Saturday, September 10, 2011

Agnitio v2.0 Released – Code Security Review Tool

It’s been a while since we’ve mentioned Agnitio, it was earlier this year in March: Agnitio v1.2 – Manual Security Code Review Tool.

The author notified me of a new version that was recently released with quite a few additions. For those not familiar with it, Agnitio is a tool to help developers and security professionals conduct manual security code reviews in a consistent and repeatable way. Agnitio aims to replace the adhoc nature of manual security code review documentation, create an audit trail and reporting.

Changes in V2.0

The major changes in v2.0 is the addition of a code analysis module which comes with Android and iOS rules, an editor for the checklist questions and the ability to create/edit/remove code analysis rules.

Fixed verify report button bug. It used to make the app crash if the report path field was empty because it didn’t check if it was empty before trying to use the field value.Delete profile functionality added on the “view profiles” tab. Some users requested this functionality.Removed hard coded filesystem paths and database names/locations from the code and make them configuration items.Data editor for both principles and checklist guidance sections. This allows users to customise the guidance using their own languages, guidance text etc.Increase the max size value of the text boxes on the principles guidance tab to allow more information to be entered by users.More accurate error on the profile creation tab – specify exactly what fields have been missed rather than listing all.Added “About” form with info, license, credits etcRegular expressions expanded to include a wider range of characters including non English characters.Turn the “other” language box red if the user clicks save with the other check box ticked but not language entered on the create and view profile tabs.Metrics tab now “returns” if only one app is available rather than trying to load all graphs and throwing a separate error for each one.

The author is always interested in feedback and has integrated a lot of it into v2.0 of Agnitio, if you want to give some suggestions/bug reports or whatever after using the tool you can do so via the Security Ninja blog here, or on Twitter @securityninja.

You can download Agnitio v2.0 here:


Or read more here.

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